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Here we're gonna talk about a subject that needs to be talked about very early on, which is the monsters in the closet. Okay. And these monsters can be scary, and they can stop you from achieving your goal. As you're building your channels, as you're following your endeavors. If you're not aware of these monsters, you will become aware of them in time.
And I thought beneficial to make you aware of them now, so that you can be better prepared when you face them, and you will face them. There was a creepy pasta, it's very common with a boy is on the bed, and he tells his mom, Mom, there's there's somebody under my bed. And she looks under the bed, and she sees the same person, her same boy.
And he says, Mom, there's someone on my bed. Now, that's what that kind of fear that that child may face or the mother may face there. You may feel hearing that is visceral and real. And when you're doing when you're following an endeavor, there are things that are scary enough to actually deter you.
There are monsters that are scary enough to stop you dead in your tracks of pursuing your dream of building your channel of finding your voice. And here are some of those monsters. One of the monsters that you will face is self doubt, you'll start to not believing yourself, you'll start to say things like, I'm not qualified.
There's no one that's going to come to your house with a magic wand and wave it over your head and say, I now W qualified to make this channel to pursue this dream to build this business to become this or that whatever it is that you want to be or do. You have to be that person, grab a pencil on the table if you want to and wave it over your own head and ice I now dubbed myself qualified to do this.
What qualifies you to build your channel is to build your channel. Because as an entrepreneur, if you're a doer, you're an entrepreneur. Okay. And so as long as you do it, that's your qualification. And as you continue through your journey, your qualifications will build upon that foundation.
You're channel and finding your voice on that channel will provide all the qualifications you need to make business contacts to make sales to have authority in your marketplace, in your field. And it's very important to understand that particular monster of self doubt or another monster that may come out of the closet and say who are you to do this? Which is a very similar monster, but a different angle of that monster.
You know, imposter syndrome in a way where it's like, Well, I haven't done this yet. I haven't achieved this yet. So who am I to teach or to talk or pontificate on this subject? But remember, when we talked about earlier podcast we talked about, we talked about your documenting, and not so much teaching as you're documenting.
You could teach as he document what you're doing. But if you look at it as documenting and put it in that framework, then you're qualified, because what's wrong with documenting your journey and where you're at, or wherever you're at? It's okay to talk about those things. It's okay to talk about where you are in your journey at the time.
Or in a journey that you are helping guiding people through. I've been through this journey in a different way for many years. But I'm creating this new journey, as a little experiment for myself, and a guide for anyone listening to avoid to build a solid foundation and avoid a lot of the pitfalls that may happen.
And the monsters in the closet, get a lot of people and kill a lot of dreams and a lot of businesses. And so if you're trying to pursue an endeavor, like a dream of becoming a singer, actor, or business owner, or something that may be scary to do. You are qualified, okay, you can pronounce yourself qualified to try to follow your dreams.
You don't have to follow the social norms. You don't have to go to college or school to do these things. You just need to do them. I had a client before that said, I want to be an actor. And he's like, but I'm going to go to acting school first. And I said, Why don't you just if you want to be an actor, why don't you just audition and become an act.
And it's there's nothing wrong with doing acting school, but I could tell the trepidation in his voice that he was listening to the monster of I'm not qualified. And what happens is that he never became an actor. Because he put these his own self imposed roadblocks by listening to the monster in the closet of I'm not qualified. And that killed his dream.
And so to be an actor seriously, you just go after it every day, when it comes to business, which is that what this is focused on, is I'm not qualified to teach this or I'm not qualified to do this, or I don't know what to do. And that's another monster that would come out of the closet, what do I do? We call this monster overwhelm.
Okay, and this monster is scary, because it's more pernicious in a way. And what I mean by pernicious is, you know, dangerous in a subtle way, because, you know, I don't know what to do is a monster that personally affected me and stopped me from doing and trying, even trying to implement certain ideas I had. Because I was like, Well, I don't know how to do it perfectly. I don't know how to do it.
The way the pros do it, I don't know how to, I don't know what steps to take per se. And so I won't even start until I understand everything about this. And that will kill your dream and stop your journey right there. So remember, I keep saying the most important thing for an entrepreneurs to do doo doo.
Even if you get it wrong. Doing is the key to unlocking the doors of the answers. Because as you do, you learn and you grow. And as you grow and learn from your mistakes, you will learn what to do. You will you know, and we'll talk about modeling other people that are successful in later
episodes, but for now, understand that monster in the closet, another monster in the closet may be I need a certification. I need this. I know you don't. Okay, as long as you're not doing something that requires by law certification. You don't and most businesses don't require that. Okay. So whatever the hurdle is, if there is a job or business you want to start the requires a license or certification.
Then add that to your to do list and overcome that monster. But you always want to face your monsters head on and not let them stop you but let them be badges of honor for you to overcome. As you overcome each monster, you will start to have and feel psychologically the that you've defeated a monster. And it will be and you can wear it as a badge of honor.
I think it's important to remember that there are limitless monsters in the closet, you'll start comparing yourself to other people and be like, well, I, if that works for them, because they are them, they have this certain personality. I'm not good on camera. I'm not good on audio, I don't know how to write all of these little self doubting monsters come out of the closet, and they're too numerous to name.
But for any monster use us as a framework for any monster that comes out of the closet to say it doesn't matter. I'm going to continue documenting my journey and building my channel forging my path every single day, regardless. And as the monsters come, I'll face them one by one. But nothing can stop you from documenting your journey. And building your channel and forging your path.
If you understand that, it will take you to places that you never thought you could go. And you'll be creating a vehicle by which as it grows, it will afford you the opportunities. Other people will start to W qualified other people will start to follow you, other people will start to listen to you, and maybe even reach out to you. But don't do it for that. Just do it. Because just get the satisfaction of doing it.
And saying I did this thing today. And that's all you're doing it for not expecting anything in return for it. There's a satisfaction in getting something done. And so if you get yourself into the habit of doing no matter what phases, you no matter what fears come your way, what monsters jump out of the closet, you will always be like, Okay, that's fine.
I'm still going to document my journey, I'm still going to make my episodes on the channel I've chosen that we've talked about a previous episode. And you will start to fall into success. So that is hugely important to understand that monsters will come out of the closet. And they'll cause fear.
You might think like, I, you know, I can't do this i that seems impossible, or insurmountable or whatever. But always remind yourself, I don't need to reach my dream tomorrow. I don't need to reach my ultimate goal tomorrow. I need to take my One Step today. And every day you take one step forward.
And as you grow, you'll take more steps forward, two steps a day, three steps a day, until you're, you're jogging, then you're running, then you're sprinting. So at the end of the day, just remember to keep taking a step every day, regardless of the fears that you have. If you're afraid to if you don't think that you talk eloquently enough, listen to me, How eloquent is this?
It's not very, but it's just me. I'm not pretending I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I'm myself, I'm me. And it's okay to be me. And it's okay to express myself. And it's okay to express yourself. If you need someone to give you permission to be you, let it be you. Give yourself that permission to say I can be me.
And I can pursue any dream I want. And don't worry about what other people think it's another monster. I could go on forever, but I don't have the time for that right now. But don't worry about what other people think. The doubters the haters, people that tell you you can't do it. People that comment negatively on your posts or wherever you're posting and building your channel.
Don't worry about that. I wouldn't even look at the stats or worry about it. It there's nothing wrong with looking at feed But at the end of the day, don't let someone's negative comment, deter you or stop you or change who you are or what you want to do.
And continue just doggedly, just unapologetically being yourself and the right people that like you will find you as you continue to build and forge your path. So hope that helps you today. God bless you
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