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Alright guys, today we're gonna talk about a topic called now what? When you start your own business and you have goals set, especially financial goals, he might say 1000 a month, you hit 1000 a month, you're like now what? 2000 a month now? What? 5000 month now? What 10,000 Up, up, up up up a million a month now what now?
What now? What? setting financial goals like that? You're always going to end up with that question. Now what? Okay. And then you get to a place where you're buying planes and all kinds of garbage now what? Okay, making money shouldn't be the reason that the primary reason that you're running your business, obviously, you should be making money in your business and not maximizing your profits.
You know, the Bible talks about actually saving some of your crops for the, for the poor people to not maximize your profits, maximize the experience that your customers have, which is way better than maximizing profits, if you maximize the experience, and the results that your customers have your profits will maximize themselves.
So don't try to do 42 upsells, 53, tripwires, 53, you know, you know, bump orders and all this other stuff, don't worry about all that have the best product, okay, combined with very solid marketing. If you combine those two simple elements, okay, the best product you can have. And I'm going to teach you how to both Okay.
So you have the best possible product and the best possible marketing, here's how you do it very simple. You pick one topic you're going to teach, okay. And let's start with the traffic part, you pick one traffic source, and you master it, and you can spend your whole life or maybe not your whole life.
Because traffic sources do change, but a long time, you could spend on one traffic source and really just squeeze the juice out of that orange, like really good. A lot of people just lightly squeeze the juice and then move on to the next thing. Next thing next every time you move to the next thing, it's a learning curve again, and learning curves cost you money, time is money. Okay?
So pick one traffic source and really master it. Okay? That will help you to maximize your traffic source. Okay. And you and when you maximize it, you'll be able to get better at it better at better ad, the more you do something better at your ad and the more focused your app because you're just doing one traffic source, then talk to your customers, you're not above that.
Don't be above that. You can be years into your business and still talk to your customers, that's the best way to get to know them. I know it's ironic, it's weird. But that's the second part. The best way to have the best product. So the best advertising is to pick one traffic source and master it. Okay?
This that. So that's the best way to market your product. The second the best. That's how to best have the best marketing for your product, okay is mastering one traffic source. The best way to have the best product is to talk to your customers get feedback, always adjust your product, change it make it better, always.
If you do that, you will not have a problem with scaling. Okay. But if you haven't started there, if you're all over the place right now, cut out some things you're doing. If you're doing if you're on five different platforms trying to drive traffic, you're actually driving less traffic than you could from focusing on one traffic source and really mastering it, I promise you.
I just promise you that right now your five traffic sources are doing less than you could with one that you really put all your eggs in that basket and really master it. Okay? If it goes away, no big deal. You know how to run traffic and you've mastered it. And these things are pretty much all the same with a little bit different UI different different user interfaces, but
basically, they kind of run the same way. Okay. Because really, what it comes down to running ads is your copy, which is your messaging. That's it. It really comes down to that. And so how you talk to the people that you're trying to attract and your business and who you're trying to repel a lot of people don't think about that too.
So you write your, your messaging in such a way that you're repelling the people, you don't want to attract the people you do want, okay? But mastering one traffic source will maximize your traffic and talking to your customers will help you not only to have the best product, okay with your help your lower refunds.
Build your reputation to other people are actually recommending and becoming an evangelist for your product. But it will also help you to maximize your advertising because you'll know your customer better, the better you know your customer, the better your advertising will be. Okay.
So follow these two very simple things and I promise you not only will your life be much simpler and easier and your business will be funner but you will make a ton more money is not advertising not a money claim or anything like that. My own personal opinion, but in my in my opinion.
You're gonna make a hell a lot more money and help a lot more people and give a lot more quality by doing it this way, that trying to do five different traffic sources and five different products and half budding them all.
Okay, so at the end of the day, follow that advice, and you're gonna do pretty well. All right, talk to you soon. God bless.
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